The one-eyed coconut

By Dr R. Bourdeix, click on the pictures to enlarge them ...

In 2011, this coconut was sold to an Australian collector. The main objective of this sale was not winning money, but communication. Now, it is expected that many coconut stakeholders and researchers from everywhere in the world will look carefully at their coconuts straight in the eyes to find such rarities... Hoping that many new "coconut freaks" will be discovered in the coming years.

Normal coconuts have three round indented markings or "eyes"...
This coconut have only one !
This is a real coconut found in Africa in 1999. It belonged to the private collection of Dr R. Bourdeix, in Montpellier, France, and was the unique available of its kind.
There is no coconut palm producing regularly this kind of such a strange coconuts. One eyed coconut is very rare; it occurs no more than one time within several millions of normal coconut.

One-eyed coconuts are regarded and valued by various cultures as a bringer of good-luck and prosperity.

Two-eyed coconuts

By Dr R. Bourdeix, click on the pictures to enlarge them ...

Normal coconuts have three round indented markings or "eyes"... These coconuts have only two !

They are real coconuts found in Africa. They belongs to the private collection of Dr R. Bourdeix, in Montpellier, France.
There is no coconut palm producing regularly this kind of such a strange coconuts.

Two eyed coconut are rare; it occurs no more than one time within several hundreds of normal coconut. 

They are known as "Ekaakshi Nariyal" in India.

Some Indian people call it "one eyed coconut", because they say normal coconut have a mouth and two eyes (when we said three eyes),
so "Ekaakshi Nariyal" have a mouth and one eye
(when we say two eyes).

In 2016, "Ekaakshi Nariyal" coconuts are sold
in an Indian internet site:

8 branches coconut palms

Following the publication of information about the first 3 headed coconut palm, pictures of multi-headed coconut palms where sent to us.
One of the nicest image was sent to us by Luigi Guarino, with the mysterious name of "Rajnesh Sant"; It seems to be, at least, a nice 7 (or even 8) headed coconut tree but nobody knows where is located this palm. It seems to be a secret...

Some information was found in Panoramio, but the link is no longer active ( It seems that this palm is finally located in Kozhenchery, Kerala, at 105 km south of Kochi

Another famous 8 headed coconut palm was described by Marc Rombaud in the Island of Ko Samui. Up to now, there is no good picture available. This palm is well known as a tourist attraction. In the past some information can be found (but is no longer available)  at this URL address:

So, to anybody having a confirmed good picture of the Ko Samui 8 headed coconut palm, please send it to us! Probably this palm is now dead.

When you own such a palm and when it fell down, it is possible to take separately each of the branch, cut two third of the existing leaves and replant in the soil with good watering. Please this will avoid to loose a so precious coconut freak!

Coconuts with 3 and half "eyes"

By Dr Roland Bourdeix, click on the picture to enlarge...
Click on the picture to enlarge...

Normal coconuts have three round indented markings or "eyes"...
This coconut have three and half !

It is a real coconut, not a virtual one. It belongs to the private collection of Dr R. Bourdeix, in Montpellier, France. There is no coconut palm producing regularly this kind of such a strange coconut. This sample is the only known example of a coconut having only one eye. This phenomenon occurs no more than one time within several thousands of normal coconut.

Coconut with four eyes

By Dr Roland Bourdeix, click on the picture to enlarge...

Normal coconuts have three round indented markings or "eyes"...These coconuts have four!
They are real coconuts, not virtual one. The smallest is from a variety called Tahitian Red Dwarf.  variety. The variety remains unknown for the other four eyed coconuts.
They belong to the private collection of Dr R. Bourdeix, in Montpellier, France. There is no coconut palm producing regularly this kind of such a strange coconut. This phenomenon is quire rare. It occurs no more than one time within several hundreds of normal coconuts.

Three different coconuts are presented, of witch one is a really freak and especially rare!

Coconuts with 4 eyes and half

By Dr Roland Bourdeix, click on the picture to enlarge...

Only one of this kind was found in the heap for fruits sold to private stakeholders by the Marc Delorme Research Station in Côte d'Ivoire, Africa. The variety remains unknown.