Showing posts with label roland Bourdeix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roland Bourdeix. Show all posts

Crazy coconut people!

When confronted with the extraordinary diversity of the coconut palm and its uses, as well as the beauty and strangeness of the plant, some people become truly passionate. This passion for the coconut tree can sometimes reach a certain level of madness...

When people become crazy because of coconut!
Here are presented some of the most surprising stories about people and coconut!

a coconut-obsessed cult

How to dress a coconut?

The Pora-Pol game





Lorsqu'elles sont confrontée à l'extraordinaire diversité du cocotier et de ses usages, ainsi qu'à la beauté et l'étrangeté de la plante, certaines personnes deviennent réellement passionnées. Cette passion pour le cocotier peut parfois atteindre un certain niveau de folie...

Les auteurs de ce site internet font bien sur partie des "gens fous de cocotier", mais les anecdotes racontées ici montrent qu'il existe ou qu'il a existé bien d'autres fous du cocotier!

The authors of this website are of course part of the "people crazy about the coconut tree", but the anecdotes told here show that there are or have existed many other "crazy people about the coconut tree"!

Sexy coconut!

Sometimes coconut palms, or coconuts, sow suggestive and evocative shapes... Coconut oil was classified among the 25 household items you can turn into Homemade Sex Toys...

Parfois les cocotiers ou leurs noix prennent des formes évocatrices.... L'huile de coco a été classée parmi les 25 articles ménagers que vous pouvez transformer en jouets sexuels faits maison...

From French Polynesia...

Two coconuts fused by the Husk!

By Dr Roland Bourdeix, click on the picture to enlarge...

This double fruit was found by Dr Roland Bourdeix in heap sold by the Marc Delorme Research Station in Ivory Coast during the year 1999. Its variety is unknown; there is more than 60 different coconut varieties available in this research center, and this twin fruit was taken from a heap of fruits harvested in the germplasm collection and sold to private stakeholders.

The fruit was splitted in two. The kernel was removed and the fruit was let to dry during two monthes. It was then given to the luxury craft business named "Couleur bois" in Abidjan, 
Who prepared, polished and treated  it with a marine varnish.

Dr Michel de Nuce de Lamothe
Dr R. Bourdeix gave one half of this fruit, as retirement gift, to Dr Michel de Nuce de Lamothe, former coordinator of the COGENT network, Former General Director of CIRAD and AGROPOLIS, and former head of Coconut Research Division of IRHO.  The other half of the double coconut remains the private collection of Dr Roland Bourdeix.

To date, this double coconut is on the only of its kind worldwide. Please note that the term "Double coconut" is commonly used to describe the